Here are a few of the pages
that I like to visit. I will add more as time goes by. If you notice
a dead link let me know by email. If you know of a great page that
should be added let me know. These links are in no particular order.
A message board where you can ask or reply to R/C related questions, buy and
sell R/C stuff etc. Very fast and user friendly.
Great looking site from Canada.
New And Improved Site.
Sheep Squadron R/C Club, Danville IN
Online hobby shop located in
Great source for scale warbird plans and accessories.
Great products at great prices. They will email you with their specials of
the month.
High quality American made engines.
Bob Hudson's web site. Great how to articles covering IMAC R/C airplanes.

Winning Professional Graphic design for print or web. www.franknolljr.com
Great site for
IMAC Aerobatics, contest schedules, poles and
Large site containing vast amounts of
info and links.
Plainfield's R/C club 15 minutes West of Indianapolis. The club that I am
a member of. If you are ever in the Indianapolis area please stop by and
pay a visit.