AH YES!! Toledo Ohio 2002. Woody Weatherman and brother in-law Joe Hartley and I made the trek to Toledo this year for the 2002 convention. Henry Devenney was unable to attend this year due to a bout with the flu (not the same without Henry). I do not have the official attendance figures but I couldn't imagine a denser crowd than what was there on Saturday morning. The exhibitors mentioned that Friday was a well attended day also. I believe that an early Easter Holiday and School Spring Break might have contributed to the large crowds. It seemed that the number of models on display were fewer than in years past. This years show was lacking the one model standout of years past such as the Concord but the quality of the models present was of outstanding quality and craftsmanship. There were many turbine jets on display notably the new Bob Violet Bob Cat with an unbelievable finish. The scale aerobatic models were also plentiful and nicely done. The show seemed to be well balanced between the almost ready to fly types, scratch built and kit planes. I believe that the hobby needs diversity in the type and size of models to grow and attract new interest. There are many people that fly large scale R/C airplanes that need a park flier flight every now and then. With that said no matter what type of R/C aircraft you are interested in you will find it at the Toledo Show. If the vendors being out of stock on some of the items I was wanting was any indication of strong sales then the sales were also brisk. The Toledo Show is a great place to purchase all of those widgets and gadgets at reduced prices. The Harry Higley booth is always jammed with modelers looking for that unique tool. The composite booths at the show (CST Composite Structures Technology and ACP Aerospace Composite Products) also attract many people watching the demonstrations on vacuum bagging composites. There is a swap-shop going on upstairs in the convention center all three days. I have never made the swap shop on Friday, the first day of the show but I believe that early Friday morning would be the time to get there for first pickings, maybe next year. By Sunday evening the stuff is pretty well picked over but the dealing is a little easier. Since there were many pictures taken without me gathering information I have decided to present these in a thumbnail format. Even the best intentions go by the wayside when you are shoulder to shoulder with thousands of fellow modelers and trying to see everything at once. Hope you enjoy the pictures.